
Each result is unique to the client and the information below only acts as a guideline. Following the steps of our pre-care and aftercare will bring the best healed results.


Brow Pre-Care

• Avoid plucking, waxing and threading your brows for a couple of weeks leading up to your appointment. The more hair I have to work with, the better. Any hair that falls outside of your desire shape will be removed at the appointment.

• Do not drink stimulating beverages such as caffeine (right before appointment), alcohol or energy drinks the night before or day of your treatment.

• No sun tanning for three days prior.

• I recommend waiting at least 4 weeks before botox patients receive PMU treatments to ensure proper skin expressions.

• Avoid skin rejuvenation treatments on the brow and forehead area for at least 2 weeks before your appt. such as Retinol/Retina.

• You can wear makeup to your appointment if you wish. I will remove all makeup on and around your brows at your arrival.

Brow After-Care

Aftercare would be considered an emotional rollercoaster. You must trust the process if you want great brows. The true vibrancy of your cosmetic tattoo is achieved between weeks 4-6 weeks, in the time leading up to then you’ll experience bold intense pigment then a slight loss in color before it begins to regenerate as your skin naturally exfoliates.

A healing kit will be provided the day of appointment. 

Day of Appointment: 

Your healing kit will come with sterile wipes. You'll use these sterile wipes to wipe off any lymph fluid the first day. That may be as frequent as every 30-45 minutes. 

2 hours before bed, apply a very thin breathable layer of Healing Balm with a clean q-tip. A rice grain amount or less for both brows should be enough. 

Day 2 thru day 10: 

Continue to apply the healing balm at least once a day. Our healing balm is very hydrating and lasts a long time on the skin.

Your brows should not appear glossy. The Healing Balm is for a very small amount of moisture.

Apply less as the days go by. 

Things NOT to do during your healing:

• You cannot wet your brows for the first 10 days. Avoid hot showers to avoid too much moisture in the air. 

• No exercising for 10 days. No sweating. 

• No direct sun exposure.

• No makeup or product on your brows for 10 days. 

• Do not pick, scratch, or peel the healing area. 

• No facials, Botox, chemical treatments and microdermabrasion for 4 weeks. 

• Avoid using anti-aging cream, anti-acne products in brow area. 

Aftercare is subject to change depending on skin type.


Lip Pre-Care

If you’ve EVER had even 1 cold sore on the outside area of your mouth or on your lips you MUST take doctor prescribed Valtrex or a similar antiviral at least 3 days prior and 3 days after getting your lips tattooed. If you don’t- this procedure will trigger an outbreak that will affect healing- so this is very important & very easy to avoid!

Moisturize: Make sure your lips are well moisturized in the days leading to the appt. Begin moisturizing and exfoliating at least one week prior to your appt. Chronic chapped and dry lips are not a candidate for this procedure.

Lip After-Care

DAY 1:

Wipe lips every 30 minutes for 3 hours, in order to remove excess lymph and reduce any scabbing that may occur.

Lip swelling may last up to 24 hours. 

DAYS 2-6:

Lips will feel chapped and tight.

Apply our lip balm or Aquaphor 5-6 times a day. It’s ok for lips to slightly dry out between applications.

Use a straw to drink liquids.

Avoid steam, sun, soaking in water, swimming, sauna, etc.

Avoid makeup and skincare on the lips.


When lips peel don’t pick or rub!

Moisturize and let skin shed naturally!

During the first 4 weeks post procedure refrain from using exfoliants, acids,

anti-aging creams, Neosporin, etc.

Your true color will appear in 4 weeks!

Freckles & Beauty Marks



The immediate area will appear red and possibly a little swollen. This is temporary and typically subsides in a short time. For an hour after your appointment, use the sterile wipe included in your aftercare kit to wipe your face or area that was tattooed. Wipe every 20 minutes.


Freckles will appear dark in color and slightly raised from the surface. Refrain from using harsh soaps or harsh movements like rubbing on your face. Gently splash lukewarm water while using a gentle cleanser over the tattooed areas at least once a day and pat dry with a clean paper towel. Apply small amounts of aquaphor to the area to help heal.

Keep face out of direct sun and water. No swimming, saunas or excessive exercise that may induce heavy sweating during this time.

No makeup or skincare products EXCEPT a gentle, unscented moisturizer (cetaphil, nivea, etc…)


Eyeliner Pre-Care

Avoid Waterproof Makeup: Refrain from using waterproof mascara or eyeliner for at least 48 hours before your appointment. These products can leave residue on your lashes, making it difficult for the adhesive to bond properly.

Remove Eye Makeup: Thoroughly remove any eye makeup, including mascara and eyeliner, before your appointment. Use a gentle makeup remover to ensure all residue is gone.

Avoid Oil-Based Products: Steer clear of oil-based skincare and makeup products around the eye area for at least 24 hours prior to your appointment. Oil can break down the adhesive and affect the longevity of your lash enhancement.

Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol: Minimize consumption of caffeine and alcohol on the day of your appointment. These substances can cause your eyes to flutter involuntarily, making it challenging for the technician to apply the lashes accurately.

Wash Your Face: Wash your face thoroughly before your appointment to ensure it's clean and free from any dirt or oil that could interfere with the adhesive.

Eyeliner After-Care

DAYS 2-10

Eyes may be puffy for up to 48 hours. It will appear as if you have been crying.

Keep the area dry. Avoid excessive amounts of water including sweat from exercise for 7 days.

Do not apply any eye make-up, lotions, or ointments, dyes or perms for the duration of this time.

Scabbing may occur and it will appear like dried mascara. Do not pick or scratch it. This may cause loss of color.

It is recommended to not wear contacts for 24 hours.


Everyone heals differently. Your tattoo may appear light at first. As your skin continues to heal, the color will bloom. At around the 6 week mark, your true color is seen.

This is a 2 step process. Any areas that are light or patchy will be assessed during your touch up point.

Avoid Getting Lashes Wet: Refrain from getting your lashes wet for at least 24 to 48 hours after the application. Water and steam can weaken the adhesive bond, causing the lashes to fall off prematurely.

Be Gentle: Avoid rubbing or pulling at your lashes. Be gentle when cleansing your face and avoid using harsh makeup removers or rubbing your eyes vigorously.

Use Oil-Free Products: Opt for oil-free makeup removers, cleansers, and skincare products around the eye area to prevent the adhesive from breaking down.

Brush Your Lashes: Use a clean mascara wand or lash brush to gently comb through your lashes daily. This helps to keep them aligned and prevents them from tangling.

Avoid Saunas and Steam Rooms: Steer clear of saunas, steam rooms, and intense heat for the first 48 hours after your appointment, as heat can weaken the adhesive bond.

Follow-Up Appointments: Schedule follow-up appointments for lash fills as recommended by your technician to maintain the fullness and appearance of your lash enhancement.